What do you think is the lowest bar for a person to have net-positive HU externalities, compared to their nonexistence?
Assume a person in the developed world, and count only the externalities, e.g. assume they are a p-zombie for sake of analysis.
One would naturally assume that most EAs are quite a bit above that bar, but what about average citizens? And what would you look at if you wanted to find out the minimal standard, e.g. if you could decide to make another such p-zombie for free, or save one from an illness etc., for free.
Basically a kind of zero-point externality benchmark.
Assume a person in the developed world, and count only the externalities, e.g. assume they are a p-zombie for sake of analysis.
One would naturally assume that most EAs are quite a bit above that bar, but what about average citizens? And what would you look at if you wanted to find out the minimal standard, e.g. if you could decide to make another such p-zombie for free, or save one from an illness etc., for free.
Basically a kind of zero-point externality benchmark.