Welcome to the forum for The Life You Can Save

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Welcome to the forum for The Life You Can Save

Postby RyanCarey on 2009-03-28T10:48:00

In The Life You Can Save, Peter Singer appeals to us to create a community of philanthropy. Such a group would recognize the act of giving to the less fortunate as an essential element of a good life. We've created this forum to help Singer develop this community, to create an atmosphere in which giving feels like an achievement rather than a cost – and a place where we can share knowledge about the most effective ways to save lives.

We hope that, at Felicifia, you find enriching discussion, meet new friends, and work together with us to create a philanthropic community.

From RyanCarey and Arepo at Felicifia.org
You can read my personal blog here: CareyRyan.com
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Re: Welcome to the forum for The Life You Can Save

Postby faithlessgod on 2009-03-30T10:55:00

Hi guys

Peter sent me the book to review but I have been very busy. Shall I post my review here when I have completed it?
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Re: Welcome to the forum for The Life You Can Save

Postby Arepo on 2009-03-30T16:20:00

Please do.
"These were my only good shoes."
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Re: Welcome to the forum for The Life You Can Save

Postby EmbraceUnity on 2009-08-04T16:30:00

Looks like Peter Singer has been featured by Point of Inquiry, talking about The Life You Can Save.

http://www.pointofinquiry.org/peter_sin ... _can_save/

Interesting comment in the comments section as well. It is for the reasons the commenter Ilari specified that I like to choose more obscure or neglected causes of high utility where I can see that I am having a definite impact.

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Postby MalcomX on 2009-09-06T22:31:00

I was absolutely flabbergasted by this book. Where in God's name does anyone get the 'gotspe' to lecture humanity on moral behaviour like this! Who the f*** does Singer think he is? God?...
Moreover, does Singer really believe that giving money would solve any of the problems this world is facing? I'm stunned! Where has Singer been the last 60 years that we've been investing in development aid? Wake up or shut up Peter!!!....

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Re: Welcome to the forum for The Life You Can Save

Postby DanielLC on 2009-09-07T06:06:00

If you pay someone to do something, it is generally more cost-effective than doing it yourself, which is why so much of what you use, such as the computer you're using, is purchased, rather than something you made yourself.

He doesn't believe he'll solve problems, just lessen them. If I donate all I have to save one person, that is better than keeping my money to myself, and merely helping one person (namely, me).

What would you suggest doing?
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Re: Flabbergasted...

Postby Arepo on 2009-09-07T19:50:00

MalcomX wrote:Where in God's name does anyone get the 'gotspe' to lecture humanity on moral behaviour like this! Who the f*** does Singer think he is?

Singer's books usually start from a principle that most people will already accept (eg 'if we can prevent a great amount of suffering at very little cost to ourselves, we should do so'), and derives conclusions from it that might not have been apparent to us. So in that sense he's not really telling anyone what to do, just telling them what their own views imply they should.

That said, he likely does want us to change our behaviour, and I don't see any problem with that. If you have ethical views of your own besides nihilism, you'll have codes of behaviour that you think people should follow (for you seem to think people shouldn't tell others what to do - but that's a moral belief, which entails telling others what to do). If your views are nihilistic, then Singer's requests mightn't mean much to you, but nor does it mean much for you to want him not to make them...
"These were my only good shoes."
"You ought to have put on an old pair, if you wished to go a-diving," said Professor Graham, who had not studied moral philosophy in vain.
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