As you probably know, Felicifia has an RSS feed. Here is a video that explains what RSS feeds are and how you can make use of them:
At Felicifia in particular, our RSS feed consists of our posts. So using your reader, you can check the latest from BBC, Slashdot, Dilbert and so on at the same time as you check for replies to your thread at Felicifia.
If you choose to view Felicifia through Google reader, here’s how you do it.
1. Log in to Google Reader using a Google Account. (if you do not yet have a google account, click the "create an account" button)
2. Click the orange RSS button at the very bottom of, center-aligned.
(If you can’t see it there, go to the User Control Panel then Board Preferences and set the style to Nexus and try again)
3. Select your reader

4. Select Google Reader

At Felicifia in particular, our RSS feed consists of our posts. So using your reader, you can check the latest from BBC, Slashdot, Dilbert and so on at the same time as you check for replies to your thread at Felicifia.
If you choose to view Felicifia through Google reader, here’s how you do it.
1. Log in to Google Reader using a Google Account. (if you do not yet have a google account, click the "create an account" button)
2. Click the orange RSS button at the very bottom of, center-aligned.

(If you can’t see it there, go to the User Control Panel then Board Preferences and set the style to Nexus and try again)
3. Select your reader

4. Select Google Reader