Giving What We Can's One Year Anniversary

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Giving What We Can's One Year Anniversary

Postby Will Crouch on 2010-11-09T10:14:00

Giving What We Can ( is having its one-year anniversary on the 14th November. For those who haven't heard of it, it's a society of people, founded by Toby Ord, who have taken Singer's arguments seriously and have pledged to give at least 10% of their income to the most cost-effective causes. Five members have gone further and pledged the majority of their income over the course of their lives.

Reasons you might be interested:

We'll get some media attention on and around the 14th. Keep an eye out.

If you are in the areas of Oxford or Rutgers, you might like to get involved with one of our local chapters. The Oxford chapter is launching on the 14th and the Rutgers chapter on the 2nd December, with a talk by Peter Singer and Nick Beckstead begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting. There is also some local activity going on in Canberra.

You might want to take the pledge to give, and join the community of like-minded givers.

You might want to look at our cost-effectiveness research (cost-effectiveness is, rightfully, a popular topic on this forum) - at ... rities.php, and also under 'charity comparisons'.

You might want to help out with further cost-effectiveness research in the future, or with the running or publicising of GWWC.

If so, or if you have anything else you want to ask about it, then post on this forum or send me an email at

Will Crouch
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Re: Giving What We Can's One Year Anniversary

Postby LadyMorgana on 2010-11-09T20:35:00

Yes, any of you who are in Oxford, please come along! Even if it's only for the free drinks and so that we can meet in person and have some face-to-face utilitarianism-related discussion :D
"Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind" -- Bertrand Russell, Autobiography
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Re: Giving What We Can's One Year Anniversary

Postby RyanCarey on 2010-11-10T11:58:00

I wish I could come to Oxford, but I won't get there until January, or briefly in mid-December at the very earliest!

I wish I could be there to hear Peter Singer and Nick Beckstead talk, but I suppose the next best thing would be to meet some of you from Felicifia and Giving What We Can sometime soon!
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Re: Giving What We Can's One Year Anniversary

Postby Arepo on 2010-11-10T12:31:00

Have to be at salsa practice when it's on :(
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Re: Giving What We Can's One Year Anniversary

Postby LadyMorgana on 2011-01-02T18:20:00

RyanCarey, do you know exactly when you'll be in Oxford yet? Giving What We Can: Oxford is probably going to have a meeting every week starting from 10th, and we should have a few events on in January - you are of course welcome to come along to any if you're around! And I presume you'll be meeting up with Arepo...mind if I join at some point? :)
"Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind" -- Bertrand Russell, Autobiography
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Re: Giving What We Can's One Year Anniversary

Postby RyanCarey on 2011-01-02T23:54:00

Yup, I've booked my flight for the 12th, LadyMorgana. I'd love to go to a Giving What We Can meeting. Of course you'd be welcome to meet Arepo and myself. I've private-messeged you my facebook details and my email. If anyone else lurking around the forums would like to meet up too, just let me know :)
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Giving What We Can's members interview

Postby yboris on 2011-06-01T01:09:00

I didn't want to create a new thread and thought this thread fitting.

I've been a member of Giving What We Can for over a year (thanks to Nick Beckstead) and earlier this year I participated in a movie competition to make a 5-minute film about anything. I chose to interview some GWWC members. See Nick Beckstead and Mark Lee here:

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Re: Giving What We Can's One Year Anniversary

Postby yboris on 2011-10-23T05:27:00

Any plans for the 2nd Anniversary this year?
It will fall on a Monday :)
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