Arepo wrote:Ryan and I are both hedonistic utilitarians (but that's coincidence, not a deliberate forum bias), so we'll probably be able to find quite a few things to disagree on.
looking forward to it! We might disagree but will also at the same time by all being utilitarians avoid a lot of useless moral philosophical confusions I call "ethics for dummies" - at least I hope so
Arepo wrote:One that I've noticed via Alonzo Fyfe is that while his views seem to preclude noncognitivism, mine are IMO basically compatible with it (and with error theory, come to that) - I do ultimately want to claim that some form of utilitarianism is in some sense (have I hedged enough yet?) more compatible with the physical universe we know than other moral theories, but I want to do so by eliminating the language of morality altogether.
Well cognitivism is key to have a science of morality which is what I aim at as an ethically reductive naturalist and realist. "Moral speak" as I call it is optional and I agree with error theory (which allows for cognitivism) - in that it rejects intrinsic value. But Mackie was only an anti-realist with respect to such value, the second half of his book was an argument for a version of realism - Simon Blackburn misunderstood that entirely - this being based on extrinisic or relational value. Mackie was arguing for a form of desire fulfillment act utilitarianism which is different to desire utilitarianism (DU).
Arepo wrote:I'm a couple of posts into writing a rhizomic argument for HU in the util forum, so you'll probably find plenty to object to as I go along.
I might create an equivalent structure for DU but lets see how you get on first.
Arepo wrote:I've also invited Alonzo along, so hopefully you won't feel outnumbered

I doubt he will join he has long done the forum thing on iidb.