Boris Yakubchik here: born in Russia, came to the U.S. at 11 y/o, lived in New Jersey ever since. Went to Rutgers University, got a BA in Math, MA in Education, wanted to work as a math teacher but ended up auditing 20+ classes in philosophy instead. Then started a Ph.D. program in Educational Psychology at Rutgers; during the time got more interested in charitable giving and soon after after meeting Nick Beckstead joined Giveng What We Can.
I'm currently considering following Mark Lee's lead, becoming a "professional donor" - earning enough to meet needs and donate the rest to most effective organization. At this time I give 10% (as per GWWC promise) to VillageReach (as per GiveWell's recommendation) but aim to increase that once I start earning more. Unfortunately my skills won't lend me a job that I will be paid very highly; I think I'll be a math teacher (unless something more lucrative comes along that I will enjoy enough). Perhaps as a teacher I may influence some students to adopt a more reasonable moral stance

I'm deeply interested in (Positive) Psychology and have read a lot in the genre (I aim to share some of what I learned: http://happinessbooks.net/). I love philosophy, though I'm more interested in ethics. I'm a big fan of Peter Singer and now Toby Ord. I titled my post "lucky me" because I am pretty certain that if my parents didn't come to the U.S. and I hadn't run into some of the amazing people at Rutgers, I wouldn't have been as aware of the numerous important issues in the world today.
If anyone is around the New Brunswick (Rutgers) area, I'd love to meet up. I also visit NYC once every few months.