i wanted to say how incredibly gratefull i am that this place exists! its absolutely fantastic ! if it ever needs financial support or any other kinda support let me know and ill do my best to help
Glad you like it, Ruairi. I think it's pretty awesome, too!
The number of (a) smart, (b) caring, and (c) utilitarian-minded thinkers I've encountered here is probably greater than the number that most people meet within a lifetime. (Of course, a lot of ordinary people satisfy descriptions (a) and (b), but few of them also satisfy (c).)
"Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind" -- Bertrand Russell, Autobiography
I heart Seth Baum for founding Felicifia and David Pearce and James Evans from Knightsbridge for donating their servers, their time and their expertise to keep Felicifia running smoothly!
"These were my only good shoes." "You ought to have put on an old pair, if you wished to go a-diving," said Professor Graham, who had not studied moral philosophy in vain.