Felicifia signature

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Felicifia signature

Postby Arepo on 2008-11-14T22:02:00

For anyone who wants a sig to link here from other forums, but feels too lazy to write their own (hi Ryan* :P), here's the one I've come up with:
Felicifia - a place for consequentialists and utilitarians to hang out, fix the world, and not murder redheads.

Feel free to suggest improvements, or complete rewrites. (to kill the joke by explaining it, a popular critique of utilitarianism - that I won't bother to dissect here - is a thought experiment involving our fiery-follicled brethren. The argument, which I think originated from Murray Rothbard's Libertarian Manifesto, is that we can imagine a society where everyone hates redheads so much that the thought of their existence causes them great mental anguish, where the best way to maximise happiness would be to kill all the redheads. This would infringe their natural libertarian rights, therefore utilitarianism fails.

Tremendously persuasive stuff.)

* Ryan has done huge amounts of work on this forum, and I mock him from sadism, not reason.
"These were my only good shoes."
"You ought to have put on an old pair, if you wished to go a-diving," said Professor Graham, who had not studied moral philosophy in vain.
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Re: Felicifia signature

Postby RyanCarey on 2008-11-17T13:37:00

Not bad, Arepo. You mightn't know it, but I actually have red hair, so you're making fun of me on twolevels!

I've switched over. At risk of sounding even lazier than I already do, please post below if you can think of any themes that you'd like a Felicifia signature to include.
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Re: Felicifia signature

Postby DanielLC on 2008-12-05T03:54:00

I just made a signature. Unfortunately, it's difficult to understand, so I feel like if I actually use it anywhere else, people will just think I lied about the definition of consequentialism. What do you think?

In case I change my signature and it just shows the old one, my signature at the time of writing is "Consequentialism: The belief that doing the right thing makes the world a better place."

In case you don't get it: It's logically equivalent to the normal definitions, but it makes consequentialism sound a lot more like common sense. It's sort of like the difference between smoking while you're praying and praying while you're smoking.
Consequentialism: The belief that doing the right thing makes the world a better place.

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Re: Felicifia signature

Postby RyanCarey on 2008-12-06T07:40:00

I don't think that's hard to understand. I really like the switcharound and I think I'll use it myself if that's okay with you. :D
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