some things people have said when ive emailed them:
"You could try searching on google. But most people won't answer this question
because you can't get into an insect's head to determine whether they are feeling
pain. However, their nervous systems are similar to ours, and many of the
standard insecticides affect the nervous system. If you treat an insect or human
with a chemical insecticide like parathion, the nerve impulses to the muscles
stop - and both are killed - it's something like dying from cyanide - which can
be painful for humans. But as I said initially, we just can say whether insects feel
pain in the same way we do.
Hope this helps."
another conversation:
We here at the Lorquin Entomological Society do not promote the extermination of insects and spiders. We promote the study of natural methods to control and rid common household pests. You can contact a local extermination company for their insight about pesticide options.
Insects, like other animals, do have sensory capabilities to protect themselves. It is part of their evolutionary biology. Humans feel pain as an unpleasant sensation to warn the rest of the body of potential damage. Humans experience pain most commonly on the surface of the skin. Insects have an exoskeleton so the distress they experience cannot be equated. Studies have shown that insects to exhibit distress that is comparable to the pain humans feel but there is no simple answer.
If you have anymore questions feel free to ask and I will direct you to someone that can provide a more detailed response on this topic. "
basically what i seem to be finding is that no one knows because we cant talk to insects, but when people say no one knows the only reason we know other humans feel pain is that they say so and for animals that they writhe and move away from the source of pain and cry out and things like that and that they learn not to return to the source of pain which suggests very strongly to me that its not a reflex becuase they learned.
surely if we could find the point at which the mutation occoured that made it possible for things to feel pain we could say that everything that evolved from that can feel pain and the things before cannot, no?