GiveWell have an interesting post arguing against what they call the “explicit expected value formula” approach to giving:
It covers many subjects of interest to people here: Giving What We Can's recommendations, existential risk charities like SIAI, problems like Pascal's mugging etc. It's also been crossposted on LessWrong where it's generated a long comment thread. Perhaps people'd prefer to comment there or at GiveWell, but either way I'd love to hear people's thoughts - I'll aim to post mine later.
It covers many subjects of interest to people here: Giving What We Can's recommendations, existential risk charities like SIAI, problems like Pascal's mugging etc. It's also been crossposted on LessWrong where it's generated a long comment thread. Perhaps people'd prefer to comment there or at GiveWell, but either way I'd love to hear people's thoughts - I'll aim to post mine later.