Animal suffering on YouTube

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Animal suffering on YouTube

Postby Brian Tomasik on 2011-10-02T17:55:00

Here are some disturbing YouTube videos of animal cruelty. I find it valuable to watch such things on occasion so that I don't forget how bad suffering is.

fish eaten alive
fish cooked alive
eels skinned alive
slowly cutting off a chicken's head
breaking a chicken's neck
ants killing centipede
live peeled frogs
frog eaten by piranhas
pig screaming while its throat is slit or while being hanged
pigs buried alive -- the screams sound like humans in hell :cry:

The videos underscore the fact that animal slaughter in the developing world is likely far worse than in factory farms.
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Re: Animal suffering on YouTube

Postby Gedusa on 2011-10-02T20:01:00

I only watched the pigs, and the chickens. The pigs being buried certainly make the top 5 for worst videos ever watched. And consider how I've watched a lot of pretty awful videos (Earthlings, Meet your Meat and a few others). Ironically, most of these have been at the behest of utilitarians rather than sadistic friends :P

The woman sobbing in the middle is pretty poignant. Does anyone know why this happened? It seems dumb from a logistical perspective to push live pigs into a pit with a digger, rather than shooting them and then pushing in the corpses en masse. Cost-cutting maybe?

Also, not to distract from the videos at all, but how much do you think these help? Do you think you have a renewed commitment to reducing suffering after watching them? And does that commitment translate into changes in behavior compared to if you hadn't watched the videos?

I think it helps me in a way. I was bopping along thinking of all the nice things I was going to spend my money on, and then this came along and rewrote a few priorities. But I'm fairly certain this won't result in anything but increased stinginess for a week or two, with none of the saved money going to util causes. That last sentence seems like something I should be hacking, obviously, otherwise watching these video types every week would be enough to keep me on the straight and narrow more.
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Re: Animal suffering on YouTube

Postby Brian Tomasik on 2011-10-02T20:07:00

Gedusa wrote:how much do you think these help? Do you think you have a renewed commitment to reducing suffering after watching them?

Yes. I think part of the reason that "reducing suffering" feels like my overriding purpose in life is because of watching videos like these.

Gedusa wrote:But I'm fairly certain this won't result in anything but increased stinginess for a week or two, with none of the saved money going to util causes.

I understand the feeling (not with respect to saving money but in other areas, namely, wasting time on non-utilitarian things). Humans can't fully live up to the seriousness that the situation demands. But we can do a lot of good with what willpower we have, so it's best not to beat ourselves up too much.
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Re: Animal suffering on YouTube

Postby RyanCarey on 2011-10-04T00:20:00

I've got through the first three. I'll save the others until later.
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Re: Animal suffering on YouTube

Postby Brian Tomasik on 2011-10-16T20:25:00

Some more to add to the list, via Mercy for animals.
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Re: Animal suffering on YouTube

Postby Brian Tomasik on 2011-12-17T08:11:00

Halal slaughter of cows and lambs. Halal meat is being sold in some conventional restaurants because it circumvents conventional animal-welfare standards.
Tyson chicken slaughter. This video shows that when stunning goes down, birds end up being scalded while conscious.
Life on a battery egg farm.
Indonesian ritual slaughter.
Camel bled to death.
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Re: Animal suffering on YouTube

Postby Brian Tomasik on 2012-03-18T17:14:00

Factory farming videos from Vegan Outreach.
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Re: Animal suffering on YouTube

Postby Brian Tomasik on 2013-01-03T02:54:00

My friend Lila pointed me to Irukandji syndrome. From the article:
The severity of the pain from an Irukandji jellyfish sting is apparent in the 2005 Discovery Channel documentary Killer Jellyfish[20] about Carukia barnesi, when two Australian researchers (Jamie Seymour and Teresa Carrette) are stung. Even under the "maximum dose of morphine", Teresa remarked she "wished she could rip her skin off", and is later seen writhing uncontrollably from the pain while lying on her hospital bed. [...] Jamie said he wished that he was stung by Chironex fleckeri, instead, since "the pain goes away in 20 minutes or you die".

On the television program Super Animal, a woman compared her pain from childbirth to her experience with Irukandji syndrome: "It's like when you're in labor, having a baby, and you've reached the peak of a contraction—that absolute peak—and you feel like you just can't do it anymore. That's the minimum that [Irukandji] pain is at, and it just builds from there."

Readers may be familiar with my quotation from Orwell:
Never, for any reason on earth, could you wish for an increase of pain. Of pain you could wish only one thing: that it should stop. Nothing in the world was so bad as physical pain. In the face of pain there are no heroes, no heroes [...].

In fact, another friend of mine recently added this to her Favorite Quotations on Facebook. However, that passage has sometimes been criticized for use of the phrase "physical pain." For one thing, pain doesn't always feel bad, and for another thing, physical pain may not be the worst form. Both of these complaints are cavils in my opinion because they don't change what Orwell was trying to say. Of course he meant the "bad kind" of pain when he said "pain," and the distinction between "physical" and "mental" pain is fuzzy and ultimately unimportant.

That said, it remains an interesting question to ask whether, for the range of possible pains that people can experience in the world, physical or mental pain is worse. I often hear people say that mental pain is worse, and in my own life, that's probably true, but I think this says more about the conditions in which I live than it does about possible magnitudes of pain for the human nervous system. We in rich countries basically don't have much physical pain, until we develop an ailment or break a leg or undergo childbirth, but we still have plenty of anxiety, depression, social conflict, etc. But if you actually experienced the full magnitudes of possible pain, I'm pretty sure the physical sort would be much worse. I would rather be depressed for months or years rather than burn at the stake for one minute. I haven't experienced Irukandji, but maybe I would feel similarly about that. Some things are just so bad they make everything else seem trivial. Indeed, those lesser pains and pleasures are almost trivial by comparison, and it takes prodigious durations of them to outweigh the severity of the worst experiences.
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