There's lots of discussion about how valuable x-risk charities (SigInst, FHI, etc. etc.) are. Proponents point to the massive divergence in utility between happy singularity and extinction (or "I have no mouth and I must scream" manevolence) and say that even if these charities are really ineffective, and even if your terminal events are extremely unlikely, and even if your error bars for all these things are massive, your expectation for donating to these charities is still zillions of times greater than health-based charities like VillageReach or SCI.
Sceptical people (like me) think there is something fishy about this sort of reasoning - on its face, it seems to generalize to pascal's wager, and my intution (dirty word I know) is that it simply sucks to spend all your money changing the balance of existential risk by (if you're lucky!) a nigh-infinetesemal margin in the same way it sucks to spend your sunday in church on the off-chance of infinite payoff. Far better, surely, to guarantee hundreds of lived saved by giving to NTDs or similar. So, in the time-honoured tradition, let's go fishing for philosophy to shore up these intuitions after the fact.
One option is risk-aversity, which I quite like (I far prefer a very negatively skewed distribution of utility across the worlds in my future cone over a higher average but very positively skewed distribution - I want my universe to be happy, not just sharing an antecedent with some really happy universe). But let's ignore that. Another option is playing statistics as to why high unbiased estimates with massive error bars shouldn't be trusted, even if you're only interested in maximizing aggregate (I think both LW and Givewell have chatted about this). But lets also ignore that: I'm not convinced we can use winner's curse type objections, if only because of the repeatability of people thinking "woah, x-risk is really important!"
Epistemic disagreement can ride to the rescue. The situation about x-risk seems to be fairly described as one of epistemic peers being in disagreement: similarly able and careful reasoners, with similar access to the data, are yet drawing completely different conclusions. Unless we have lots of credence we are better than our epistemic peers (which is pretty close to false by definition), there are two candidate epistemic practices I can think of.
1) Correction over sum of beliefs. If only you and Nick Bostrom exist, and your credence that your utility calculations are right and he is wrong is about 60%, then your final credences should be a 60:40 weighted sum between you and him. In real life, where there are lots of people, you need to do a much more complicated weighting (with lots o' bayes to avoid dutch book situations). In effect, you smear out your credence estimations: if you're convinced that x-risk is really important, accepting an odds ratio of you being right over an arch x-risk sceptic is 1.5 means you need to adjust downwards, and so on.
2) Rosseau-esque renunciation. I think it was in the Social Contract Rosseau said that, in cases where our beliefs contradict the popular will, we should conclude our belief must be mistaken. This isn't so crazy as I thought it was: we have limited insight to our own belief forming practices, but it's a pretty safe bet our cranial contents are a melange of rational and irrational elements. If so, then perhaps we should say that it is the central cluster of epistemic peers that are most likely to be right, on the hope that irrational quirks will cancel each other out or similar. If we ourselves are outliers, and even if we can't help but hold the outlier position (it might be a fact of our psychology that our brain, trying to be as rational as it can, cannot help but find the outlier position more persuasive than the central cluster), we should still act as if the central cluster is correct, because it is more likely that an outlier like ourselves has fallen victim to a quirk of irrationality we lack insight to than the bulk of our epistemic peers.
Back to x-risk:
If 1) is the right course to take, then evaluating x-risk giving becomes even murkier. We need to somehow work out what lots of other reasonable people think about p(singularity-esque-event), p(x-risk), p(charity-doing-any-good), and work out how confident we are that we're right rather than they are, and correcting our credences accordingly. Guess no one said reflective equilibrium would be easy...
It's a toss-up whether x-risk would get the nod here, but probably so. Again, we can point to the ridiculously vast payoff to defray worries about low probability, and the 'spread' isn't a big deal compared to central estimates. Even if we're exceptionally modest, and rate that non-utilitarians (and non transhumanists/x-riskers) are only just more likely wrong than we are, the integral of our corrected calculations is still ginormous for x-risk over any thing else. The reason for this is the fact we hold these beliefs means we must think we are more likely right than someone who disagrees with us (if not, why are you disagreeing with them!), so the degree of smearing can only be so much.
(Indeed, 1) is probably more effective in shifting sceptics - if I only think I'm a smidgen more likely to be right than Bostrom or Yudkowsky, then that drags up my corrected credence estimates to a level that makes x-risk giving a very high-expectation activity.)
If 2) is right, though, x-risk is almost certainly a bad idea. X-riskers are certainly outliers, and (I suspect) "giving money to x-risk charities will help x-risk" are an even smaller outlier. So either the bulk of non-x-riskers are much less rational than x-riskers, and consequently aren't close to being epistemic peers, or the x-riskers are outliers, and should think that they are probably victims of some irrational quirk.
Obviously, picking the community of epistemic peers is crucial, and this might well be issue specific (I'd be inclined to think the vast bulk of people are not my epistemic peers re. religion, for example, so I don't have to go to church, but they are re. keeping promises or whatever). However, I find 2) generally persuasive: when even the smartest of us, explicitly striving to be rational, still end up (in effect) agreeing to disagree, we should stop treating our judgements as part of our rational selvs, and instead treat the outcomes as the output of a not-very-reliable channel to the truth. On this measure, giving to NTDs or other effective health interventions (which seems to command agreement from everyone asked about it) seems to completely beat x-risk (which I suspect 'the man on the street' would think is utterly crazy, and even experts are divided about).
(Final aside: Even if this is true, this isn't necessarily demanding we dump x-risk stuff. There's a case made elsewhere - Hanson, I think? - that having cantankerous outliers stubbornly combing their own patch of idea space is a better search strategy then everyone going to the central cluster - the outliers cost little, and might find lower troughs in the confirmation space for us to switch into. So (and I find this conclusion utterly mind-bending) an x-risker might find x-risk by far the most important issue facing humanity, yet realise this is probably due to an irrationality quirk he doesn't have insight into, yet still continues trying to limit x-risk just as before, because he realises that even though he is probably being wrong, it is more optimal for him to consider this far flung bit of idea space rather than join the crowd. What this would mean for charitable giving I have no idea: they'd be a trade of for maximum expectation against our guestimate of blowing money on unlikely-to-be-valuable outliers will yield a breakthrough to even more effective utilon generators.)
Anyway, I've run my brain into the ground here. Anyone with better ideas?