hey all, i was thinking about the argument that x risk charities are the most efficient thing to donate to because without huamns we'll never have eco system rediesign or without life there'll be no happiness at all.
so as far as i understand the argument goes that theres a tiny chance of infinite utility being created and therefore
0.000000000000000001 X infinity = infinity
so thats where we should use all our resources, but i disagree with the possibility of infinite utility being something real that could actually exist, even in a universe full of exstatically happy organisms you can always add more happy organisms and utility can always increase
so i was looking at eco system redesign research vs. factory farming campaigning
all the figures i use here are just ones i remember reading and almost definitely arn't accurate at all but i just wanted to show my point.
i think alan estimates there could be 1 billion billion insect living at any one time (i think, sorry if im wrong)
and then i remember reading they make up 95% of the animal population,
so if we say that insects cant suffer and that the number of wild animals who can suffer is
1 billion billion ÷ 95 = 10526315789473684 = 1% of wild animals
x 5 = 52631578947368420 = number of wild animals who can suffer
then if you say that perhaps every single second 1 in every 1000 of these is suffering as badly as an animal in a factory farm suffers every second.
52631578947368420 ÷ 1000 = 52631578947368 = the number of wild animals every second suffering as badly as a factory farmed animal
i remember reading there are 58 billion factory farmed animals existing at any one time (once again as with everything maybe way out)
so 52,631,578,947,368 wild organisms suffering constantly with said intensity vs. 58,000,000,000 factory farm organisms suffering constantly with said intensity
so if these figures were actually correct you could argue that the problem of wild animal suffering is less than 1000 times worse than the problem of factory farming.
so is trying to stopping factory farming a thousand times more efficient than trying to stop wild animal suffering?
i think i may have left out a load of things here, like that its not all or nothing, some suffering can be stopped, or maybe thats already accounted i need to think about it more.
anyway thoughts?:)
so as far as i understand the argument goes that theres a tiny chance of infinite utility being created and therefore
0.000000000000000001 X infinity = infinity
so thats where we should use all our resources, but i disagree with the possibility of infinite utility being something real that could actually exist, even in a universe full of exstatically happy organisms you can always add more happy organisms and utility can always increase
so i was looking at eco system redesign research vs. factory farming campaigning
all the figures i use here are just ones i remember reading and almost definitely arn't accurate at all but i just wanted to show my point.
i think alan estimates there could be 1 billion billion insect living at any one time (i think, sorry if im wrong)
and then i remember reading they make up 95% of the animal population,
so if we say that insects cant suffer and that the number of wild animals who can suffer is
1 billion billion ÷ 95 = 10526315789473684 = 1% of wild animals
x 5 = 52631578947368420 = number of wild animals who can suffer
then if you say that perhaps every single second 1 in every 1000 of these is suffering as badly as an animal in a factory farm suffers every second.
52631578947368420 ÷ 1000 = 52631578947368 = the number of wild animals every second suffering as badly as a factory farmed animal
i remember reading there are 58 billion factory farmed animals existing at any one time (once again as with everything maybe way out)
so 52,631,578,947,368 wild organisms suffering constantly with said intensity vs. 58,000,000,000 factory farm organisms suffering constantly with said intensity
so if these figures were actually correct you could argue that the problem of wild animal suffering is less than 1000 times worse than the problem of factory farming.
so is trying to stopping factory farming a thousand times more efficient than trying to stop wild animal suffering?
i think i may have left out a load of things here, like that its not all or nothing, some suffering can be stopped, or maybe thats already accounted i need to think about it more.
anyway thoughts?:)