I'm working together with a couple of other people to create a professional-looking, optimised utilitarian landing page with the aim of recruiting the natural utilitarians out there who are not yet connected to the movement.
We were planning to split the website into three sections, the contents of each of which are outlined below:
I. General section
II. Resources
III. Getting involved
We will post a link when the website is launched. However, we would be very grateful if you could tell us whether you think we should introduce any changes or additions to its structure or content. More general constructive feedback would also be much appreciated. Thanks.
We were planning to split the website into three sections, the contents of each of which are outlined below:
I. General section
- * a statement of utilitarianism.
* anecdotal evidence from Russell's first encounter with utilitarianism to support the claim that many find utilitarianism obvious upon first encountering it.
* a description of Giving What We Can and 80000 Hours as organisations working on issues a utilitarian should care about.
* a contact address in case visitors would like to get in touch with the rest of the utilitarian community.
II. Resources
- * a link to felicifia and a brief list of readings on utilitarianism, specifically on
- (1) world poverty;
(2) animal welfare;
(3) existential risk;
(4) theoretical aspects.
III. Getting involved
- * a description of GWWC and 80k.
* a reference to the same utilitarian contact address.
* short descriptions of other related orgs (The Life You Can Save, Global Happiness Organization, THINK).
We will post a link when the website is launched. However, we would be very grateful if you could tell us whether you think we should introduce any changes or additions to its structure or content. More general constructive feedback would also be much appreciated. Thanks.