brand spankin' new

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brand spankin' new

Postby brokenyoga on 2012-10-08T05:10:00

Heya, my name's Cody Albert. I've just finished a philosophy major at San Diego State University and am still deciding whether or not I want to continue pursuing an academic philosophy education, an academic psychology education, or just get a computer science major and pursue that (as of now I'm leaning toward computer science)(I also like using parentheses). Not but a few minutes ago I was directed here from where I've gone through nearly all (I think) of David Pearce's network of websites/texts. Pearce's Hedonistic Imperative has had great impact on me and I'd like to keep investigating and discussing utilitarian philosophy, post degree. I consider myself a transhumanist (among other things), have recently become somewhat obsessed with Nikola Tesla, and am seeking effective ways to make the world a "better" place. ;)

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Re: brand spankin' new

Postby peterhurford on 2012-10-08T05:29:00

Well, you're certainly in the right place! Welcome! Feel free to dive into any of our numerous discussions, and I look forward to working with you to improve the world, utilitarian style!
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Re: brand spankin' new

Postby RyanCarey on 2012-10-08T08:51:00

You can read my personal blog here:
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Re: brand spankin' new

Postby Arepo on 2012-10-08T09:27:00

Howdy :)
"These were my only good shoes."
"You ought to have put on an old pair, if you wished to go a-diving," said Professor Graham, who had not studied moral philosophy in vain.
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Re: brand spankin' new

Postby Ruairi on 2012-10-11T17:00:00


What are your feelings on wild animal suffering?:D

Btw please feel free to join the utilitarian and reducing wild animal suffering facebook groups! and friend us!

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Re: brand spankin' new

Postby yboris on 2012-10-29T17:42:00


Have you considered helping out with Giving What We Can? There is a local chapter next to you:

Cheers :D
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