Leafleting for Vegan Outreach

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Leafleting for Vegan Outreach

Postby Pablo Stafforini on 2012-12-28T20:46:00 (Archived at 2013-06-19T12:29:54)

Hello, everyone.

For the last couple of days I have considered devoting a few hours per week to leaflet for Vegan Outreach. In the past, I had dismissed the idea on the grounds that my comparative advantage lied elsewhere: during the time I would be handling leaflets, I could instead be earning, and donating, more money than it would cost VO to have someone leafleting for the same length of time. Moreover, although I think VO is an admirably cost-effective organization, I happen to believe that Effective Animal Activism has an even higher moral bang for the buck. So the earnings I could have donated to VO would do even more good if donated to EAA, strengthening the case for earning to give.

However, it now seems to me that my dismissal was premature, since it was premised on the crucial assumption that, were I not to leaflet for VO, I would, in fact, be earning money, or doing something with my time of at least comparable value. Yet this assumption is probably not true in my particular case, for rather complex reasons that it would be tedious to discuss here. Furthermore, I also think that the act of leafleting might have benefits for me in addition to its consequences for meat consumption. Such an activity would allow me to get a much better glimpse of the psychology of the average meat eater, and provide me with instant and constant feedback about which approaches work and which don't. It seems to me that the knowledge gained from this experience might improve my thinking about meme-spreading strategies in general, beyond the particular issue of trying to change other people's eating habits. Given the importance of effective meme spreading, these benefits might be considerable.

So, my questions for you are:

(1) Do you agree that leafleting for VO might be a good use of my time for the reasons noted?

and, if so,

(2) What advice, if any, would you give to a potential lefleter like me?

I am more interested in the second question, though answers to the first will be also greatly appreciated.

[Edited to add: I was assuming that leafleting involves at least occasional interaction with a fraction of the people to whom leaflets are handed, either because some of these people show interest and start a conversation with the leafleter or because the leafleter himself takes an active stance and tries to talk to his or her targets instead of just passively distributing the material. But maybe these assumptions are wrong. Frankly, I have really have no idea of what "leafleting for VO" really involves. :-) ]
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Re: Leafleting for Vegan Outreach

Postby Pablo Stafforini on 2012-12-28T20:47:00 (Archived at 2013-06-19T12:29:54)

Here are some "suggestions for leafleting" taken from VO's website:

The great thing about leafleting is that anyone can do it -- you don't need a group, you don't need big bucks, you don't need the media, you don't need to prepare, you don't need to be an expert, and you don't need a big investment of time. At the right time and place, just one person can hand out hundreds of brochures in less than an hour. You will inevitably interest many new people in making their way toward veganism, sowing seeds of change where they do not currently exist.

Students tend to be more interested in animal issues / ethical eating than the rest of society, making college campuses good places to leaflet. Weekdays before 3 p.m. are the busiest times. At large universities, there is normally a steady flow of pedestrian traffic somewhere on campus at all times throughout the day. Smaller colleges and universities usually have a steady flow of traffic between classes.

You can find a spot where many pedestrians are passing, or you can walk around offering the brochure to people you come across. Many of us now prefer walking around and offering the pamphlet for a number of reasons.

Some schools have an open policy on allowing leafleting by outsiders, while others do not. Public universities are supposed to allow it according to federal court decisions, but they don't always follow these rules. However, students are rarely questioned about leafleting. They commonly go around campus handing out flyers about upcoming parties to everyone they see. This has made students accustomed to being approached by leafleters and so they think nothing of it. If you dress casually, carry a backpack of pamphlets, and simply walk around approaching students, you will appear to fit in. Even if you are older, people will normally assume you are a graduate student if you dress like one. We have found that we are rarely questioned by anyone when we just walk around handing out pamphlets, versus standing in one place waiting for people to come to us. And you hand out a lot more, too!

We have often leafleted inside academic buildings and student unions when the weather is bad!

Even if someone eventually tells you that you are not permitted to hand out literature on campus, it will likely be after you've given out a great number of brochures.

People who take part in walkathons in order to raise money for causes tend to be willing to accept literature. (We target these people because we think they are likely to take a brochure, read it, and thoughtfully consider moving towards veganism, not because Why Vegan? has anything to do with the cause for which they are walking.) Animal-related events, such as humane society benefits or animal rights presentations, are also a good place to reach interested and committed individuals who may not have considered the implications of their own diet, or the idea of promoting veganism.

While leafleting, keep in mind:

We have found that “Would you like a pamphlet about vegetarianism?” or “Have you seen one of these yet?” are effective ways of offering literature to people (and minimize the number thrown away).

Many activists are nervous about leafleting. In our experience, nervousness often fades once you’ve offered the brochure to a few people.

Besides Why Vegan?, Compassionate Choices, and Even If You Like Meat, Vegan Outreach can supply you with copies of our Guide to Cruelty-Free Eating for people with questions.

One person can make an enormous difference. Many people will pass the information on to others, causing a chain reaction.

Anything else?
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Re: Leafleting for Vegan Outreach

Postby LJM1979 on 2012-12-28T21:49:00 (Archived at 2013-06-19T12:29:54)

I think you do make a compelling case for leafleting. It sounds like something you'd enjoy (and your own well-being does count) and it should help to promote veganism. As long as you're doing something helpful that you enjoy, I don't think it's necessary to worry about whether there are other things you could do that would help more - we're all behaving sub-optimally almost all of the time. The cost of that worry would be too high.

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Re: Leafleting for Vegan Outreach

Postby Daniel Dorado on 2012-12-29T01:56:00 (Archived at 2013-06-19T12:29:54)

Hi Pablo.

I think that leafleting for VO is a good use of your time. But I have two doubts:

1) Is to leaflet the best activism that you can do?
2) Are the VO leaflets the best ones for giving?

I think that leafleting for VO is less cost-effective outside America than in america, because VO is an American charity. You can create vegans leafleting for VO outside America, but it's difficult that they become VO activist.

I think it's probably more cost-effective that you do another things. You could perhaps collaborate with an English or Argentinian charity writing pieces, giving talks and so on. Or you could translate [url]VeganHealth.org[/url] to Spanish --there aren't a lot of bilingual (Spanish/English) activists.
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Re: Leafleting for Vegan Outreach

Postby Pablo Stafforini on 2012-12-29T03:44:00 (Archived at 2013-06-19T12:29:54)

Thanks for the comments!

LJM1979, I agree that one shouldn't worry too much about whether one is acting suboptimally, though it's hard to know how much is too much. Is there any heuristic altruists could rely upon for determining the point at which a concern for optimality starts to do more harm than good?

Daniel, Vegan Outreach does have a brochure in Spanish, and since the idea is to persuade people to become Vegan rather than to financially support an organization, the fact that VO is a US-based charity doesn't seem to present a significant problem.

As for collaborating with a local organization, the only Argentine animal rights charity that I am familiar with is stridently anti-"welfarist" (a term which, following Gary Francione, these folks use equivocally to refer both to a consequentialist approach to animal issues, such as the one members of this forum would share, and to a speciesist sort of reformism that campaigns for changes in how non-human animals are treated only to the extent that such changes don't interfere with human interests). For this reason, I wouldn't feel comfortable working for or collaborating with them.
"‘Méchanique Sociale’ may one day take her place along with ‘Mécanique Celeste’, throned each upon the double-sided height of one maximum principle, the supreme pinnacle of moral as of physical science." -- Francis Ysidro Edgeworth
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Re: Leafleting for Vegan Outreach

Postby Ruairi on 2012-12-29T12:52:00 (Archived at 2013-06-19T12:29:54)

Why don't you help with EAA or AE instead? :)
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Re: Leafleting for Vegan Outreach

Postby Pablo Stafforini on 2012-12-29T15:22:00 (Archived at 2013-06-19T12:29:54)

Ruairi wrote:Why don't you help with EAA or AE instead? :)

Hi Ruairí,

I don't know exactly what you mean by 'help', but I have been supporting EAA financially for the past couple of months, and intend to continue to do so in the year ahead. However, if your point is that I should be distributing EAA or AE leaflets instead, what material specifically do you have in mind? And don't you think that the inferential gap between the conclusions that these orgs are arguing for and the views of the average person on the street is so wide as to make VO preferable? (Also, remember that Argentina is, as Darwin observed, "a nation of beef eaters", and the gap here is even wider than it is in any civilized nation.)
"‘Méchanique Sociale’ may one day take her place along with ‘Mécanique Celeste’, throned each upon the double-sided height of one maximum principle, the supreme pinnacle of moral as of physical science." -- Francis Ysidro Edgeworth
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Re: Leafleting for Vegan Outreach

Postby Ruairi on 2012-12-29T19:48:00 (Archived at 2013-06-19T12:29:54)

Pablo Stafforini wrote:
Ruairi wrote:Why don't you help with EAA or AE instead? :)

Hi Ruairí,

I don't know exactly what you mean by 'help', but I have been supporting EAA financially for the past couple of months, and intend to continue to do so in the year ahead. However, if your point is that I should be distributing EAA or AE leaflets instead, what material specifically do you have in mind? And don't you think that the inferential gap between the conclusions that these orgs are arguing for and the views of the average person on the street is so wide as to make VO preferable? (Also, remember that Argentina is, as Darwin observed, "a nation of beef eaters", and the gap here is even wider than it is in any civilized nation.)

AE needs some stuff written, although I think people are on top of it now, we also need to contact tonnes of people and stuff. Brian and I have lists of stuff we'd love to do :D!
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Re: Leafleting for Vegan Outreach

Postby Brian Tomasik on 2012-12-30T18:09:00 (Archived at 2013-06-19T12:29:54)

I agree with LJM1979 that if the activity will take the place of otherwise not-so-useful time by benefiting your well-being, then it's worth at least trying to see how it goes. :) In my experience, there are indeed conversations that you spark up -- more or fewer depending on the crowd. On college campuses, for example, you might get a lot of conversation. It might be worth leafleting at least a few times just to get the insight benefits that you suggest, after which the value from that declines. (OTOH, probably your efficiency would improve. I think the best leafleters are many times better than beginner leafleters.)

Ruairi is right that we could come up with unlimited ideas for things we'd like to do for Animal Ethics, but for the most part these would be more solitary computer tasks, and one advantage of leafleting it that it gets you outside and lets you interact with people. But if you don't mind stuff on the computer too, do let us know. Some of our work items involve contacting people (e.g., grad students) to see if we can interest them in studying wild-animal suffering.

Another option is encouraging new vegetarians online, which I think can be at least as effective as in-person leafleting if there's enough room for more commenters. I haven't checked the comments pages in a while, so you could take a look and see if the comments are being responded to or if there's room for more help. This is less valuable than wild-animal work, but it might also have more social interaction and be less chore-some. It's also infinitely divisible, unlike bigger projects that require more sustained concentration and following up.

Agree that it's not optimal (and maybe even net harmful) to partner with an anti-welfare animal group.

My favorite VO booklet is Even If You Like Meat, and Nick Cooney prefers it too. Matt Ball says EIYLM tends to be best for males and Compassionate Choices best for females. BTW, I have a box of ~150 leaflets that I'd be glad to send to you if you like -- I don't expect to use them any time soon. [Edit: Never mind. My leaflets are in English, whereas I assume you want them in Spanish.]
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Re: Leafleting for Vegan Outreach

Postby xodarap on 2013-01-02T03:26:00 (Archived at 2013-06-19T12:29:54)

I would add one important thing: You care about effectiveness.

You can tag your leaflets to measure their effectiveness, perform A/B tests and (given enough time) compile a library of data which would improve the effectiveness of *all* leafletters.

Based on my (limited) understanding, this would make you more valuable than the average leafletter, and if/when you choose to move back to the "earn to give" career path, you would be better informed.

Another benefit: I personally find leafletting extremely nerve-wracking. I'm definitely in the wrong personality quadrant to find going up to a complete stranger and asking them to go vegan fun. You might not share that trait but if you do, it's probably good for your career development to be comfortable around strangers. I have a hard time motivating myself to go out, but after I do, I'm always glad that I did.

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Re: Leafleting for Vegan Outreach

Postby peterhurford on 2013-01-02T16:43:00 (Archived at 2013-06-19T12:29:54)

On the same line as tagging leaflets, etc., I don't think VO has ever done any research in other countries, so the cross-cultural nature of the study would likely be very helpful.
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Re: Leafleting for Vegan Outreach

Postby Brian Tomasik on 2013-01-02T17:54:00 (Archived at 2013-06-19T12:29:54)

Very interesting suggestion, xodarap. What do you mean by tagging leaflets? How can he measure effectiveness other than by how many people take which ones, and what the anecdotal reactions are?
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Re: Leafleting for Vegan Outreach

Postby Pablo Stafforini on 2013-01-02T19:03:00 (Archived at 2013-06-19T12:29:54)

Thank you for the comments, Ruairí, xodarap, Peter and Brian.

Xodarap, I like your suggestion, but like Brian I'm curious about what measure you'd use to assess the effectiveness of alternative leafleting strategies. Perhaps one could do a follow-up survey after a certain length of time has elapsed (e.g., one month) and compare the number of respondents in each group that report reductions in consumption of animal products. This would require me to ask those I target for contact information, which they might refuse to give. Of course, willingness to provide that information might itself be a measure of effectiveness. And if one polls subjects by email, this shouldn't be particularly time consuming. An added benefit is that one could do additional follow-ups at later periods, something which would shed light on the tricky question of how long do people on average remain vegetarian.

Another question, Xodarap: How did you approach people as a leafleter? Could you provide a sample of the speech you used? And what made you decide against handing leaflets passively, without verbally interacting with your targets? More generally, does anyone here know whether the successful leafleters that VO profiles adopt an "active" or a "passive" approach to leafleting?
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Re: Leafleting for Vegan Outreach

Postby Daniel Dorado on 2013-01-02T20:44:00 (Archived at 2013-06-19T12:29:54)

Pablo Stafforini wrote:Another question, Xodarap: How did you approach people as a leafleter? Could you provide a sample of the speech you used? And what made you decide against handing leaflets passively, without verbally interacting with your targets? More generally, does anyone here know whether the successful leafleters that VO profiles adopt an "active" or a "passive" approach to leafleting?

I think this is interesting: http://www.adoptacollege.org/page.php?id=24#say

I leafleted a lot a few years ago. I just used to say "hi".
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Re: Leafleting for Vegan Outreach

Postby xodarap on 2013-01-03T02:27:00 (Archived at 2013-06-19T12:29:54)

Tagging: I used a bit.ly link that redirected to an "order a free veg starter kit" page (bit.ly so I could track it without needing to work directly with VO, though I'd bet they'd be willing to work with you.). Of course just because they order a starter kit that doesn't mean they'll go veg, but it's a cheap proxy. (If they order a starter kit then you'll have their info if you want to do follow up surveys as well, though I am not that advanced.) Also added an email address they could write to if they had questions (no one did :-( ).

I usually say something like "learn about animal cruelty", "help stop suffering" etc. If I'm outside of the co-op (a kind of hippie place) I might say something about "compassion". To be honest, most people are involved in whatever it is they're doing and probably don't even make out what you're saying.

I leave pamphlets on the bus as a form of "passive" leafleting. I'm not sure what VO thinks is more effective.

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Re: Leafleting for Vegan Outreach

Postby Brian Tomasik on 2013-01-07T06:21:00 (Archived at 2013-06-19T12:29:54)

xodarap wrote:Tagging: I used a bit.ly link that redirected to an "order a free veg starter kit" page

Cool idea! How do you attach this to the pamphlets?

xodarap wrote:To be honest, most people are involved in whatever it is they're doing and probably don't even make out what you're saying.

Haha, yep! Sometimes I try to say stuff, but it becomes too awkward, so I usually just employ body language: Make eye contact, hold out the leaflet, etc.

xodarap wrote:I leave pamphlets on the bus as a form of "passive" leafleting. I'm not sure what VO thinks is more effective.

I did that at college, although sometimes I think they were taken away by the staff. I've also asked my mom to put them in the "used magazines" section of her library, and I think this works well, since it's fast, and they probably don't get thrown out right away.
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Re: Leafleting for Vegan Outreach

Postby Ruairi on 2013-01-08T17:39:00 (Archived at 2013-06-19T12:29:54)

Brian Tomasik wrote:
xodarap wrote:To be honest, most people are involved in whatever it is they're doing and probably don't even make out what you're saying.

Haha, yep! Sometimes I try to say stuff, but it becomes too awkward, so I usually just employ body language: Make eye contact, hold out the leaflet, etc.

Do you leaflet Brian? :)
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Re: Leafleting for Vegan Outreach

Postby Brian Tomasik on 2013-01-10T07:36:00 (Archived at 2013-06-19T12:29:54)

Ruairi wrote:Do you leaflet Brian? :)

I did so once or twice during college and then ~3 times since then (twice in Bellevue and once in Seattle). Last time was Memorial Day 2011.

I also used to evangelize a lot among friends during college. I carried leaflets in my backpack, and when the topic arose, I handed them out. People were often amused. :P
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Re: Leafleting for Vegan Outreach

Postby Ruairi on 2013-01-10T18:31:00 (Archived at 2013-06-19T12:29:54)

Haha I have day dreams involving that exact second scenario :)!
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Re: Leafleting for Vegan Outreach

Postby Brian Tomasik on 2013-01-11T09:20:00 (Archived at 2013-06-19T12:29:54)

Ruairi wrote:Haha I have day dreams involving that exact second scenario :)!

Do your dreams come true?
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Re: Leafleting for Vegan Outreach

Postby Ruairi on 2013-01-12T16:30:00 (Archived at 2013-06-19T08:53:33)

The ethics-y ones do :)!
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Re: Leafleting for Vegan Outreach

Postby xodarap on 2013-01-20T01:48:00 (Archived at 2013-06-19T08:53:33)

Brian Tomasik wrote:
xodarap wrote:Tagging: I used a bit.ly link that redirected to an "order a free veg starter kit" page

Cool idea! How do you attach this to the pamphlets?

I just had a small piece of paper I stuck inside the pamphlet. Some of the pamphlets also have a blank area on the back page (I'm not entirely sure why - maybe they put a mailing address there sometimes?) where you can write instead, if you prefer that.

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