utilitarian.net and utilitarianism.net

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utilitarian.net and utilitarianism.net

Postby Pablo Stafforini on 2013-04-20T01:09:00

Some of you might remember the "Utilitarian Philosophers" website formerly hosted at utilitarian.net. A while ago, I was contacted by a couple of committed utilitarians, who asked for permission to host a "Utilitarian Landing Page" on that domain. I agreed, because their project seemed worthwhile and because I was no longer updating my own site. However, as a result of this the old "Utilitarian Philosophers" website was no longer accessible (even if the individual pages remained on the server). Thanks to the persistence of Brian Tomasik (who kept nagging me) and the generosity of David Pearce (who supplied the domain), I'm happy to announce that the site is back online, at a new domain.

So, at utilitarian.net you'll find the Utilitarian Landing Page, and at utilitarianism.net you'll find the Utilitarian Philosophers site.
"‘Méchanique Sociale’ may one day take her place along with ‘Mécanique Celeste’, throned each upon the double-sided height of one maximum principle, the supreme pinnacle of moral as of physical science." -- Francis Ysidro Edgeworth
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Re: utilitarian.net and utilitarianism.net

Postby Pablo Stafforini on 2013-04-20T01:14:00

By the way, if anyone knows how to use an .htaccess file to redirect all links from utilitarian.net to the corresponding location at utilitarianism.net (e.g. utilitarian.net/bentham to utilitarianism.net/bentham), could you please post the instructions here or email me privately? Thanks!
"‘Méchanique Sociale’ may one day take her place along with ‘Mécanique Celeste’, throned each upon the double-sided height of one maximum principle, the supreme pinnacle of moral as of physical science." -- Francis Ysidro Edgeworth
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Pablo Stafforini
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Re: utilitarian.net and utilitarianism.net

Postby peterhurford on 2013-04-20T02:40:00

Here's a good "how to". If you can't get it from that, let me know, and I'll make it for you.
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