Wild caught fish

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Wild caught fish

Postby DanielLC on 2013-10-16T23:51:00

Most fish are caught in the wild, rather than farmed. If you buy fish caught in the wild, you're not funding factory farming. In addition, if fish's lives aren't worth living, you're helping euthanize some of the wild fish population.

On the other hand, a significant portion is farmed, and I don't think most people care much which they buy. If you buy exclusively wild-caught fish, some people who would have bought wild-caught fish would likely instead buy farmed fish.

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Re: Wild caught fish

Postby Hedonic Treader on 2013-10-17T07:55:00

DanielLC wrote:If you buy exclusively wild-caught fish, some people who would have bought wild-caught fish would likely instead buy farmed fish.

That seems likely. We could also invent cultured fish meat, replacing at least some of the farmed fish.

I also wonder if the sea could be used in new ways. Maybe in the future, there will be self-sufficient floating farms/habitats that use the sunlight of the sea's surface to grow food, desalinate water, and so on.

Traditional fishing doesn't seem to be the only way to use the sea to feed humans. This could also indirectly reduce wild fish populations.
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